13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Nepal: Launching the Campaign for the Revolution

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From Maoist List;
By Rishi Raj Baral

Here I am not going to clarify   the definition of intellectuals, nor  I am going to  explain the role of intellectuals played in the revolution. History has already demonstrated the role played by revolutionary intellectuals during the    people's revolution. And now in the global perspective, Marxist intellectuals of 21st century are playing the vanguard   role in the ideological front. In Nepal, we have a long and bright history of intellectuals, who played brilliant role since Rana Regime  to up to now. 
During the ten-year People's War Nepalese intellectuals played a outstanding role. They faught with pen and gun. Intellectuals who joined the  ten-year People's War are morally boost up and have revolutionary spirit and they  want to play active role in the upcoming  days too. But it is the matter to note that some of our comrades have a problem  to understand the revolutionary role of intellectuals. Verbally they accept the role of intellectuals, but in  practice they always discard the role of intellectuals in the class struggle. In fact, they are reluctant to accept the role of intellectuals.
Our leaders symbolize themselves as the Maoist, a true follower of MLM. But regarding the question of intellectuals, they have no any interest to follow the teachings of Mao. During the period of New democratic revolution in 1939, Mao wrote a document-Recruit large numbers of intellectuals. It is a document of great significance. As he states:
•    Without the participation of the intellectuals victory in the revolution is impossible. Our Party and our army have made considerable efforts to recruit intellectuals during the last three years, and many revolutionary intellectuals have been absorbed into the Party, the army, the organs of government, the cultural movement and the mass movement, thus broadening the united front, this is a major achievement. But many of the army cadres are not yet alive to the importance of the intellectuals, they still regard them with some apprehension and are even inclined to discriminate against them or shut them out. Many of our training institutes are still hesitant about enrolling young students in large numbers. Many of our local Party branches are still reluctant to let intellectuals join. All this is due to failure to understand the importance of the intellectuals for the revolutionary cause.

Similarly, during the period of Socialist reconstruction in 1957, Mao highlighted the role of intellectuals as the army of intellectuals. As he has mentioned:
•    The proletariat must build up its own army of intellectuals, just as the bourgeoisie does. The regime of a given class cannot do without its own intellectuals. How could bourgeois dictatorship be possible in the United Stateswithout its intellectuals? Ours is a dictatorship of the proletariat, and the proletariat must build its own army of intellectuals, including all those intellectuals from the old society who truly take a firm working-class stand after being remoulded.
In fact, some of the comrades of  Maoist party have badly incarcerated  by intellecto-phobia. They think that they are senior leaders, they are the members of standing committee and polite bureau.  They know each and everything, therefore, no need to listen the words of junior comrades and intellectuals. They have no any interest in debate and discussions. They are not interested to study and to make opinion about communist movement, especially International Communist Movement. They are habituated in stereo type of thinking and there working style has been   bounded in a particular routine. Indeed, they are badly entrapped by bureaucratic attitudes as Mao has mentioned in his famous article Twenty Manifestations Of Bureaucracy.
Now we have  a new party, Communist Party of Nepal - Maoist.  People are optimistic to us. They are looking for us.  It is the time to make new  and dynamic departure- real rupture with the old one.  New party have a strong team of revolutionary intellectuals.  We have university professors, cultural activists, journalists and whole timer intellectuals of ten-year People's War. It is the time to centralize the Marxists intellectuals around the party organisation.  We must have a new army of Marxist intellectuals. But it is the matter to worry that our comrades are always frightened with the  Marxists intellectuals.  Revolutionary intellectuals are firm in their conviction and are ready  to sacrifice their lives for the cause of revolution . We always respect our senior leaders but not the termites. We want to make clear that no one should behave with intellectuals as the personal employees and desk clerks. 
This type of tendency has badly damaged our revolution. In fact, factionalism, utilitarianism, pragmatism, empiricism, regionalism and impressionism are the main problems in the Maoist party then and now. We are compelled to express that organisationally we have separated ourselves from the Prachanda-Baburam- the real traitor of 21st century, but culturally and in the style of  work,   we are floating in the same boat.
Maximum utilization of the intellectuals should be our objective. We have to produce a large number of red and experts. It needs some plan and program. But we have no any plan and program to centralize and activate the intellectuals for the sake of revolution. To be very frank, in the name of intellectuals  our leaders want a bunch of phony intellectuals. Revolutionary intellectuals always respect the party  leaders and seniors, but they never accept the NGO/INGO lovers and their followers. They always avoid the N/INGO intellectuals and their masters. Marxist intellectuals have some sense, sensibility and dignity too.
Country needs the active role of intellectuals for the safe guard of national sovereignty and  to fight for the people's democracy. Intellectuals can play the significant role in party and the joint front. There is one and only way of Nepalese revolution- that is New Democratic Revolution. And we all know without armed struggle we will not be able to achieve our goal. Right now, we must operate the both rural and urban front proficiently. But the main point is to follow the spirit of The Great Chinese Cultural Revolution, going back to the rural areas for the new preparation.
There is three month left to National Convention and still we are at the crossroads. And it is true, National Convention will not produce any   miraculous result. Before meeting at National Convention, it needs a great debate and discussion on party line and as well as in policy and program. But right now, we are facing new type of problem that is : instead of class struggle some of our comrades are pleading the politics of  gender, ethnicity and regionalism.  Gradually another problem is budding in our party, that  is:  egoistical and childish squabble  of 'first generation and second generation'. We all know, age is not the decisive factor in the revolution. The major factor is the party line, which decides everything. As we know-'The correctness or incorrectness of the ideological and political line decides everything'. There must be politics in command. We always speak to build a new type of party, a party of Bolshevik type. How can we achieve our goal when we are always engaged in building new 'kotaries'– the nests. No factionalism and regionalism, but the strong unity among the party leadership and cadres camp.
We are living in the 2nd decade of 21st century. Debates and discussions are going on in the International Communist Movement. There are some complications, but no one can deny  that the reorganization of the   Maoist parties is the central task of the revolutionaries. And we all know, the ideological aspect will be the central point in this regard. Oppressed people of Indiaare fighting for the new democracy revolution beneath the banner of CPN-Maoist. Our  brave comrades of Indiaare launching People's War against the reactionary regime of Indian.
Base areas or Russian model, Comrades of imperialists countries are active in debate and discussions. Some of our comrades and parties within the 'RIM' and outside are pleading the politics of 'New Synthesis'–the new stage going beyond Mao and Maoism. 'New Synthesis' has given an interesting  topic  for those, who are interested in academic debate and discussions. 'New Synthesis' has confused us, it lacks of clarity.  CPN-Maoist  has not come out with  official decision on above mentioned issues, and it is obvious,  revolutionary intellectuals can   play the  decisive role in such cases. 
What will be the next step of CPN-Maoist is obscure until now. The sky is covered with dark cloud  and we are waiting for the heavy rain. We all know  it is not easy to move forward, things have badly damaged.  Just we have the history–the glorious history of ten-Year People's War. Except revolutionary spirit and devotion, we have lost everything–the people's army, base areas, people's local government and local judiciaries. And it is the universal truth that  before advancing  in  new practice we must be clear in principle. We all know a blunt knife draws no blood.  Still some of our comrades, even the senior leaders are crying for 'politics of single identity', federalism and constituent assembly. They haven't forgotten the luxurious life style of the period of constituent assembly- the parliamentary exercise. We must have firm faith in Marxism-Leninism –Maoism, not only in words but in practice too.
At present, intellectuals can play the active role in making public opinion. They can play the significant role in the ideological front. But first of all, our leaders must be clear about the role of intellectuals. They have to use art and science to motivate the intellectuals within the party and outside, and  it needs a great sacrifice. We hope our comrades will come out from the dark tunnel of superiority complex- the residual part of feudalistic attitudes.
Marxist intellectuals don't want just to be the bookworms. They can play vital role in the class struggle. But it depends on how we activate and motivate them.
Dear Comrades! it is not the bargaining for the posts, but launching the campaign for the revolution.  Marxist intellectuals are not the burden, but the driving force of the revolution.

Pix from bermudaradical.wordpress.com.

In commemoration of the death of Comrade Hafiz, member of the central committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

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From  Maoist_Revolution;A special meeting of the central committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan was held on 14 September, 2012 to pay tribute to the passing away of Comrade Hafiz and issue the following Communiqué;

The central committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan announces with immense and profound sadness and sorrow the death of Comrade Hafiz, a central committee member of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, to all the members and supporters of the party, Maoist parties and organizations of the world, and the entire international communist movement.
Comrade Hafiz was a veteran of the new democratic movement in Afghanistan. He started his political and revolutionary activities in the ranks of the Sholajawid movement in the 1960s while he was a high school student. He remained committed to the line and objectives of the movement even after the movement’s collapse. When the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) led the reprehensible April coup in 1978, and the subsequent Soviet social-imperialist invasion and occupation happened in December 1979, comrade Hafiz continued his revolutionary and national-democratic activities in exile.
In 1984, under the influence of the formation of Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) and its political and ideological line, comrade Hafiz, along with several other comrades, formed the Committee for MLM Propaganda and Agitation that published the journal Shola. This journal played a significant role in the propagation of the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. In the late 1980s, when the Committee for the Consolidation and Unity of the Communist Movement of Afghanistan was formed by joint efforts of the Communist Revolutionary Cell of Afghanistan and the Committee for MLM Propaganda and Agitation, comrade Hafiz participated as the representative of the group under his leadership. The Committee for Consolidation and Unity expanded with the participation of the Marxist-Leninist Alliance--Mao Zedong thought faction and the Organization to Struggle for the Liberation of Afghanistan.
In 1991, after the congress and the formation of the Communist Party of Afghanistan, Comrade Hafiz led the successful negotiation for the merger of the Committee for MLM Propaganda and Agitation with the Communist Party of Afghanistan and became a central committee member of the Communist Party of Afghanistan. For several years, Comrade Hafiz led an émigré committee of the supporters of the Communist Party of Afghanistan. In 1993 he was a member of the delegation of the Communist Party of Afghanistan in the second Expanded Meeting of RIM that ratified and issued the document Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; in that meeting our comrade played a distinguished revolutionary role.
Comrade Hafiz was a representative of the Communist Party of Afghanistan in the 2004 Unity Congress of the Communist (MLM) movement in which he was elected as a member of the central committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan. While leading an émigré unit of party supporters, our comrade significantly contributed to the party and the revolution. Over many years he played a crucial role in carrying forward the international activities of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, both in relation to the activities of RIM and also as a contact of our party with particular Maoist parties at the international level. Comrade Hafiz was actively involved in the ideological and political propaganda for RIM; he had an active role in the publication of A World to Win, RIM’s journal and also RIM’s internal publications into Farsi-Dari.
The central committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan expresses its solemn condolences over the immense loss of this veteran comrade to members and supporters of the party, other Maoists of Afghanistan and the world. In particular we pay our tribute to the family of this comrade and express our commonality of deep sadness with them.
All the party units within the country and party supporters outside of the country, in accordance with their particular local and regional circumstances, are obliged to honor and commemorate this comrade’s death and celebrate his life achievements as a revolutionary within this month. Messages of commemoration within the country can be sent through party contacts and channels; condolences from outside of the country can be sent through party supporters or electronically through email to

Resistance is Legitimate and Necessary: Statement against repression in San Francisco

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I have been following a debate on Kasama Project over the use of Black Bloc tactics. In general I favour such tactics, but at the same time I can see where those who use these tactics may clash with others who don’t. Overall, I like the Black Bloc tactics and I think their action of defiant resistance are better than organizing tactics that just haven’t brought out the numbers necessary to affect any change in the status quo. The Kasama Project just ran Boots Riley on Blac Bloc Tactics in Bay Area and An anarchist replies to Boots Riley…

Anyone interested in the exchange can click on those titles. I have chosen to run  this article; -សតិវ អតុ

From Kasama Project;
The following statement comes from our comrades at Red Spark.

On Columbus Day weekend, people from around the country met in San Franciscofor the Decolonize the New World Convergence, a four-day anti-colonial, anti-capitalist event to speak out against 500-plus years of colonization and genocide. During the march on Saturday, police harassed, attacked, and arrested 22 participants.We in the Red Spark Collective stand in solidarity with those arrested in San Francisco. In our collective struggle against this system, resistance is both legitimate and necessary.
The media has echoed police assertions that demonize the “Black Block street gang”. Contrary to this characterization, the black bloc is a specific tactic. Furthermore, their portrayal is a part of a broader atmosphere of repression that paints those who resist as domestic terrorists. The implications of this are chilling, especially given the context of the severe and ongoing repression, whether it is Grand Juries, militarized home raids, or the NDAA. In fact, it is often difficult to imagine a future where people will even be able to attend protests or be opposed to the status quo without hiding their identity for fear of tyrannical surveillance and violence from the political police.
After the last year of uprising around the globe, the state clearly understands the deep hatred people feel against this old world. It is right to fight for a new world. It is right to support those facing repression for doing so.
We call on our friends and comrades to support the arrestees by making contributions to their legal funds.

Book Review: Alain Badiou’s “The Rebirth of History: Times of Riots and Uprisings”

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This is a book I’m anxious to read as I am always looking for new ideas of struggle in a world where things are changing and old methods just don’t work today. It is time to look at new methods and ideas and I hope to get some from this book. -សតិវ អតុ
This review was posted on the LA Review of Books website and also Kasama Project;
By Jasper Bernes and Joshua Clover
Riots are the Sphinx of the left. Every soi disant radical intellectual feels compelled, it seems, to answer the riddle they hear posed by the riots of the present, in Bahrain or Asturias, Chile or Britain: Why now? Why here? Why riot? These answers generally come in a few simple varieties. First, if the riot seems to lack focus or present clears demands – that is, if it is illegible as “protest,” as in the case of the London riots of summer 2011 – the intellectual will paint them as a “meaningless outburst” (Slavoj Žižek), undertaken by “mindless rioters” (David Harvey). Invariably, attributions of unmeaning must find support in patronizing sociology, rendering the rioters mere side-effects of an unequal society, symptoms of neoliberalism, capitalist crisis and the ensuing austerity. Frequently, such commentary adheres to the flinching rhetorical structure of “yes, but…” In the words of Tariq Ali from the London Review of Books:Yes, we know violence on the streets in London is bad. Yes, we know that looting shops is wrong.
Read the rest of this entry »

Murder by drone: the U.S. terror war in Pakistan Part 1

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From A World to Win News Service;
8 October 2012.As American drones occupy the skies across Pakistan's North Waziristan, the U.S. is continuing to lie about the many hundreds of ordinary people blasted to pieces or incinerated and the terrorizing of the entire population. Most recently, an American embassy official in Pakistaninsisted that protests against the drone strikes were unjustified in light of "the extreme process that is undertaken to avoid what is very sadly called 'collateral damage.'" Although not allowed to reveal classified information, he said, the number of civilian casualties is "quite low" – "in the two figures." (Guardian, 7 October) This statement was meant to counter international news coverage of a convoy of  hundreds of people from all over Pakistan and dozens of Western antiwar activists (including women from the U.S. group Code Pink) heading for a town in South Waziristan to demonstrate against the drone attacks and the Pakistani government's complicity. The report Living Under Drones issued by two U.S.academic research groups in September paints a very different picture. "[F]rom June 2004 through mid- September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes killed 2,562-3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474-881 were civilians, including 176 children... These strikes also injured an additional 1,228-1,362 individuals" (According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, an independent non-profit news reporting agency based at City University in London whose data and methodology the report reviewed and found valid.) The discrepancy is partially explained by the fact that "for the purpose of tracking civilian casualties, the [U.S.] government presumes that all military-age males killed in drone strikes are combatants." The report demonstrates that this is not true. Yet even the most narrow interpretation of Washington's claim, that it has recorded a "quite low" number of civilian casualties, may be a lie within a lie, since the exact figures, the identities of the human beings they represent and the circumstances of their death are all cloaked in secrecy. Who was killed and how they died was the aim of an investigation project by law clinics at the StanfordLaw Schoolin California and the New York University Law School. Their report (available at livingunderdrones.org) was based on "nine months of intensive research – including two investigations in Pakistan, more than 130 interviews with victims, witnesses, and experts, and  review of thousands of pages of documentation and media reporting". Their conclusions are moderate to a fault. Instead of calling for an end to the drone war, "this report recommends that the U.S.conduct a fundamental re-evaluation of current targeted killing practices, taking into account all available evidence, the concerns of various stakeholders, and the short and long-term costs and benefits."   "Costs and benefits" for who and for what goals? By arguing on this basis, the report ignores the question of the purpose and legitimacy of the U.S.occupation of Afghanistanand the drone war in neighbouring North Waziristanthat is a consequence and adjunct to that occupation. It also avoids the broader question of the ensemble of open and covert wars that the U.S. ruling classes are waging or threatening to wage throughout the "Greater Middle East" to protect and extend their global empire, no matter which party is in office. By way of analogy, if someone were to reason that strikes on civilians in the West go against Al-Qaeda's overall (also reactionary) aims, this would be considered a cynical calculation and few people would be impressed by its moral stance. But whether those involved in this report really believe in this "costs and benefits" approach or just feel that this is the only way their arguments will have impact, their careful review of the facts and first-hand accounts provide not only a damning account of the cruelty of U.S. conduct, but also evidence that this cruelty has a political purpose – that these deaths are not just "collateral damage" but rather part of a war-fighting strategy based on terrorizing the people of an entire region with no distinctions among them. Living under drones describes a 2006 drone attack on a religious school in Bajaur that killed more than 80 people, 69 of them children. In another section, it reveals what really happened in what authorities described as a strike against a militant "house" where "a group of some three dozen alleged Taliban fighters were meeting". "According to those we interviewed, on March 17 [2011], some 40 individuals gathered [in an open-air bus depot] in Datta Khel town centre. They included important community figures and local elders, all of whom were there to attend a jirga – the principal social institution for decision-making and dispute resolution in [the region]... convened to settle a dispute over a nearby chromite mine. All of the relevant stakeholders and local leaders were in attendance, including 35 government-appointed tribal leaders known as maliks, as well as government officials, and a number of khassadars (government employees administered at the local level by maliks who serve as a locally recruited auxiliary police force). Four men from a local Taliban group were also reportedly present, as their involvement was necessary to resolve the dispute effectively. Malik Daud Khan, a respected leader and decorated public servant, chaired the meeting... 

Pix from Pakalert.

12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

Calling All Girls: 3 Spots open for Colorado River trip

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If a white water raft trip through the Grand Canyon is on your "bucket list," its time to clear your calendar. A 7-day All-women's river trip is launching at Lee's ferry on 9/9/9. We're adventuring down the Colorado River for seven days that will change your life. Or so, I have heard it said. This will be my FIRST Grand Canyon river trip, and I am a little excited...if not a little scared. Hey, isn't that what adventure is all about?

Call Sheri or Joy at Canyoneers 928-526-0924. Flagstaff, AZ

All-Gals River Trip Insider's Tips

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Last week while in Phoenix and Scottsdale for a fantastic Girls Getaway, I asked one of our hosts, Seth Heald of ARIZONA OUTBACK ADVENTURES for some insider secrets for a great Grand Canyon river trip. Seth, president of AOA is a veteran river runner.

"Do you want to know the REAL advice? Even if it is a bit gross?" he asked.
"Oh, yes, I want it all. Give it to me," I challenged.
"OK then. You are going to be sitting on a plastic seat for seven days. You're going to be wet most of the time," he said alluding to ailments that might affect the bottom side. I think he said get a C-cream. "You might not need it, but if you do, you'll be happy you brought it along."

"I should have written it down," I thought as I perused the huge pharmacy aisle. In preparation for our upcoming river trip, I went into Flagstaff, AZ today to procure "butt balm" and waterproof band-aids."Should I get PreparationH?" I couldn't find any C-cream. Or was it Sea-Cream?
I was hoping that no one would come and ask if I needed help.I finally found Cortisone cream. It was half the price of the H-cream, so that settled it for me.

Band-Aid now makes a clear, WATER BLOCK PLUS bandage. They're supposed to give 100% waterproof protection. I guess we'll find out as we float down the river next week.

Girls Adventure Guide Tip: For extended river trips, bring along cortisone cream for any rash that might appear on your bottom side. It will also work on cracked heels if the sun and water do a number on your feet.

There is still room available on the 9-9-9 All "Girls" river trip. Call Joy or Cheryl at Canyoneers at 928-526-0924.
Girls Adventure Guide offers adventure travel tips and Girls Getaway ideas for increasing your travel fun quotient.

Sedona's Seven Secrets

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Sedona, AZ -- Enter the Red Rock country of Sedona and you will feel a sense of adventure radiating from those terra-cotta colored walls. Walk along paths that are wearing into sandstone ledges and you know you are experiencing a place that has long been inhabited.

Natural light and cool breezes make this secret place a natural respite from the hot Arizona desert.

Yesterday photographer Charles Bame and I spent several hours photographing and writing about one of Sedona's secret places. Do you recognize it in the photo above? Probably not, since it is hidden away inside thick sandstone walls. It is not a far hike from downtown Sedona. Leave a comment below if you know this secret place.

Canyon Adventure
Watch for all seven secrets to be revealed on Girls' Adventure Guide website, and soon in a new book that you can order online. Don't forget to subscribe to this website in the right-hand column.
Girls' Adventure Guide is written by Arizona travel writer Stacey Wittig. Share your own girls adventure travels by leaving comments. Follow Girls' Adventure Guide for free adventure travel tips and travel deals.

Girl's Arizona Adventure: Fish Pedicure?

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Adventure girls who love to fish are trying something new this angling season: pedicures done by small, finned friends. Yes, stick your phalanges in the pedicure bath and LIVE fish eat away the dead skin between your toes, around your toenails or on your heels.

You won't be able to angle these fish from your local lake or reservoir. Nope, these tiny fish -- Garra Ruffa to be specific -- are imported from Turkey and look similar to the small fish you would see in your dentist's aquarium. Friendly, kind and persistent dry skin eaters. Yum!

Clients enjoy the relaxing "lip" massage and one adventure girl reported that even her husband commented on her soft feet after a Spa Fish Treatment.

Now we adventure girls have a new meaning to the sign posted "Gone Fishin'" on our office door.

Girls' Adventure Guide tip: In the Phoenix, AZ area, fisher women can get the specialty treatment and an Arizona Adventure all rolled into one at Spa Fish. Check out their monthly pedicure specials at Coupons.

Spa Fish / La Vie Nails & Spa
(NW Corner Ray & Val Vista Behind Discount Tire)
Mon. – Sat. 9:30AM - 7:00PM
Sunday 10AM – 5PM
1534 E. Ray Rd. Suite 117 , Gilbert, AZ 85296
(480) 899-9889
Girls' Adventure Guide gives adventure travel tips and free travel advice to women of all ages. Don't miss your next girls adventure guide tip by subscribing or following this blog. Why wait? It's free, and only take 90 seconds. Faster than a fish pedicure...

Brain Injury Association's YouTube Channel

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Visit the Brain Injury Association of Illinois channel on YouTube. You can find our channel at www.youtube.com/braininjuryhelp

You can view our educational film, "You Are Not Alone". This film is directed to the person who has been recently injured and to his family.

You can also view our camp film, "Making Headway with Brain Injury". This film features the song, "It's My Brain" written by Martin Bautista with input from all of our campers and support group members.

Our public service announcements, "The Bully" and "Crying Mia" can be seen on the channel.

11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

Brain Injury Association's YouTube Channel

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Visit the Brain Injury Association of Illinois channel on YouTube. You can find our channel at www.youtube.com/braininjuryhelp

You can view our educational film, "You Are Not Alone". This film is directed to the person who has been recently injured and to his family.

You can also view our camp film, "Making Headway with Brain Injury". This film features the song, "It's My Brain" written by Martin Bautista with input from all of our campers and support group members.

Our public service announcements, "The Bully" and "Crying Mia" can be seen on the channel.


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Hi Everyone!

Howard of Video Twist Productions, Ja'Vonne and I recently spent two nights and three days in Southernmost Illinois touring the Shawnee Hills Wine Trail.  On day one we visited Blue Sky, Orlandini, Owl Creek and Rustle Hills Wineries and Vineyards.  With the help of tasting staff at the vineyards and our own wine expert Ja'Vonne, Howard and I were educated on the different types of wine, food that should pair with each wine, and the correct way to taste a wine. You swirl the wine in the glass, sniff the bouquet of the wine, sip and slurp, hold and swallow so the wine hits the back of the tongue and you can taste the full flavor.  There is something about tandons (not sure if it is spelled right) but I don't understand that part yet.

It's day two and we head over to Scandinavian Gift shop and tasting room at the Hedman Vineyards (www.peachbarn.com) Gerd and Anders Hedman opened Hedman Vineyards in 2005.
Hedman Vineyards
  They produce European-styled wines and offer Swedish cuisine in their Peach Barn Cafe. The gift shop has some great Swedish cookies and preserves. When we visit again we must try their Swedish Meatballs with a glass of wine.

Bonnie, Paul, Ja'Vonne
Next stop Alto Vineyards! In 1984 Guy Renzaglia, Ted Wichmann and others established the Alto Vineyards (www.altovineyards.com).  It is the first commercial winery in Southern Illinois. Now the Alto is run by Paul Renzaglia. Paul has been our show via phone so Ja'Vonne and I were excited to visit Alto Vineyards and meet Paul in person.  He took us out into the vineyards and explained the grapes to us.  It was HOT that day and we were past the perspiring stage and into a full sweat so we decided to head in, cool off and taste the finished products of the grapes. I tasted my first Port wine and found that I enjoyed it.  I left with a bottle of Porto Di Guido and another chapter written in my "understanding wine" handbook.

In 1997, Dr. Paul and Rhoda Jacobs opened the first Von Jakob Vineyard (www.vonjakobvineyard.com) in Pomona, Illinois.  The second location is located in Alto Pass which is where we were having lunch. Von Jakob has recently added brewery to its name as they now produce fine tasting beer. We decided to forgo the wine tasting to sample a little of their new product. When you visit, I suggest you order the cheese bread and the meatball sandwich. Real good stuff!

Ja'Vonne, George, Bonnie
Our last winery for the day was to the Pomona Winery (www.pomonawinery.com). This winery is different because it does not use any grapes to make their wine. George Majka and Jane Payne broke ground in 1989 to build Pomona Winery. They are both carpenters so they actual built the winery. Instead of dealing with planting and harvesting grapes, they decided to make their wine using fresh fruits. We spent an hour with George as we tasted wines with names like Once in a Blue Moon Blueberry Wine, Sweet Apple, Kir, and Jonathon Oak Aged Reserve.  With each wine, George would give us a recipe of how to infuse the wine in the preparation of a dish as well as drinking a glass to compliment the meal. You know I had to take the Once in a Blue Moon Blueberry Dessert Wine home with me.We waved goodbye to George and Jane and headed home to relax and prepare for out last day in Shawnee. 

Day Three!
It was our last day in the Shawnee area and we had to pack the car and head over to the Star View Vineyard (www.starviewvineyard), where   we were doing our live broadcast, having lunch and of course, tasting wine before heading back home to Chicago.  Scott and Kate Sensmeire opened Star View Vineyards in 2005. Their first harvest yielded six award winning wines. They offered their vineyard to us to do our live broadcast back to Chicago and we  found the perfect place to set up, out on the patio overlooking the vineyards. It was one of the hottest days in creation but Kate told us the best way to handle the heat is by having a cool glass of wine. It was still hot but the wine was delicious. Scott brought in some grapes he had picked and kept cool.  One bunch would be red wine and the other white.  Don't tell him, but they both looked the same to me.

It was time for us to pack up, collect all the wine we bought and head back to Chicago.  I learned so much on this trip to Southernmost Illinois. Illinois has mountains, beautiful forests, and wonderful people. All wines do not taste like Morgan David and dry red wines actually taste good. You shouldn't leave good wine, like the award winning wines made along the Shawnee Wine Trail, in your car when it is warm, and good friendships and conversations are made over a nice glass of wine.

Thanks to Carol Hoffman and everyone at the Southernmost Illinois Tourism Bureau (www.southernmostillinois.com) for helping us plan this great road trip. I raise my glass to all the award winning wineries and vineyards along the Shawnee Hills Wine Trail. Thank you for your hospitality, lessons in wine enjoyment, and making my initiation into tasting and drinking wine fun.

Bonnie, Howard, Ja'Vonne - The Traveling Eye
I recommend you plan a trip down to Southernmost Illinois and introduce yourself to all the great things this area has to offer.  Illinois is an awesome state, mile after magnificent mile.

Until next time, keep your EYE to the sky!



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Ja’Vonne and I recently became tourist in our own city by using the Chicago CityPASS.   With the CityPASS we were able to visit five out of seven major Chicago attractions at a much discounted price.  The CityPASS also put us on the fast track to the head of lines and entrance to some exhibits.  We had a great time going from attraction to attraction.  I think our favorite was the Skywalk on the Skydeck of Willis Tower.  I was a little hesitant to step out on the Skywalk high above the streets of Chicago but Ja’Vonne convinced me to go for it and it was awesome.  We found that the CityPASS was a great and economical way to enjoy the city. 
The Traveling Eye and Chicago CityPASS would like to give you a chance to win the CityPASS experience.  One person has the chance to win 2 City Passes by easily answering 3 questions.  You MUST email your answers to thetravelingeye@aol.com and you must get all 3 questions correct.  We will announce the winner on our Friday, August 12th show on 1690WVON between 11AM and Noon. You may also listen to The Traveling Eye by going to www.wvon.com or watch us live in studio at www.thetravelingeye.com.  Are you ready?
1.    1. Before becoming what it is today, this CityPASS destination was the former Palace of Fine Arts from the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exhibition. It was also, at one time, the Field Museum of Natural History.
2.    2. This attraction was located on the corner of State and Monroe before moving to its present location. It now holds more than 5000 years of human expression from cultures around the world.
3.    3. From this attraction one can see 360 degree views of the city, up to 4 states, and over 80 miles.
Answer these three questions and you can win 2 City Passes to visit 5 of Chicago’s great attractions. You must email your answers to thetravelingeye@aol.com.  We will announce the winner on Friday, August 12, 2011, during our show on WVON between 11AM to Noon Central time.
Good Luck and remember to keep your EYE to the sky!

MLK, Jr. Memorial

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Hey there,
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to be in Washington, DC for the MLK, Jr. Memorial and Dedication.  As you know the weekends events including the dedication were canceled due to Hurricane Irene, that had a direct path up the the east coast of the United States.  Because of the uncertainty of the velocity of the hurricane/storm, the events organizers with consultation from the city and FEMA, thought it would be in the best interest and safety of all to make the decision to cancel the weekends activities.  While I initially thought the decision was made too early, our friend, Alpha Phi Alpha alumni and Greats Lakes Zone Director Multicultural Markets at State Farm Insurance, advised us that one of the main reasons the decision was made early was because of the number of travelers coming for the day by bus.  It could have been disastrous to have people stranded on a bus and without shelter. Fortunately for those who were already in town, the Memorial was opened earlier in the week and stayed open until noon Saturday.  This gave us the opportunity to see the Memorial. As they are saying, there is a King among Presidents on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The MLK, Jr. Memorial is not only the first person of color represented on the Mall but is the only non-president on the Mall. This makes for a Monumental occasion!!!

We arrived on Thursday afternoon along with many others who flew in on American Airlines.  We saw so many Alpha's at the airport and on the plane with us.  The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, one of the major contributors, had their own list of activities and events for the Memorial and Dedication weekend.  The men I met along the way, of all ages, were so proud to be a part of this Memorial.  I got a glimpse of the Alpha's at their private event and visit to the Memorial.  All the men were dressed in black and gold, the fraternity's colors, marching toward King's statue.  Thursday evening the announcement was made that there would be cancellations of the some of the events. 

Craig, Bonnie, Ja'Vonne, Wayne
Bonnie, Craig Gilmore, Ja'Vonne
Denyce Graves & Ja'Vonne Harley (Me)

So, Friday we made a concerted effort to see and do as much as we could before Irene showed up in Washington, DC.  Friday, actually turned out to be a beautiful day.  It rained in the morning and quickly gave way to a partly cloudy day.  We started our day with our radio broadcast from the Washington Convention Center.  The convention center was to be the venue of many of the events throughout the weekend.  On this day they still had the exhibition hall open, although it would close earlier than scheduled, the ladies of legend luncheon and the radio broadcasts.  We then did some shopping around the exhibit hall.  The MLK Memorial Book Store was there and where we spent most of our money and time.  We purchased commemorative items and I got a piece of the granite stone that was used to carve the Mountain of Despair that King protrudes from.  There were 5,000 pieces and I got one of them.  After our shopping spree we headed over to Constitution hall to interview and visit with one of my high school friends and famous mezzo soprano, Denyce Graves, who was also performing later that night.  We were there during the rehearsals of the APA's Theatrical & Musical Celebration Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We were able to catch Denyce in her dressing room.  Now, we're off to the main attraction...The MLK, Jr. Memorial!!! Not know where to enter, I looked at the map from the event schedule and directions from different Metro stations.  They all directed us to 15th Street.  This was a little confusing since I saw the entry portal on 17th Street.  Anyway Bonnie and I walked down 18th Street and headed towards 15th Street, but then I questioned this decision and headed back up Independence Avenue to 17th Street before we had gone too far and there it was.  We saw two pillars of stone and lots of people coming and going.  The two pillars of stone are the entry portal.  As you walk through the entry portal you see one 30 foot stone, to the left and right is a wall of quotes (The Inscription Wall) that bends around the Memorial like arms stretched out wide.  On each side of the stone is a quote "Out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope" and "I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness". Then you see King, coming out of the stone or mountain with arms crossed and facing the Tidal Basin and Jefferson Memorial.  It's a peaceful area that has a feeling of reflection.  There are places to sit and visitors did just that as they chatted with one another.  I can only imagine what it will look like when the cherry trees are in full bloom and at night when the Memorial is illuminated.

I'm definitely going back in the spring when the trees are in bloom!!!!  Maybe you'll join me!

Until our next journey together.
Ja'Vonne Harley, Co-Host - The Traveling Eye, Owner - Advantage International, LLC

South Africa's Taste Makers Series

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Last Wednesday, I attended the first of South Africa Tourism's Taste Makers Series in New York at Marcus Samuelsson's restaurant Red Rooster in Harlem.  The Taste Makers Series is a marketing campaign to reconnect African Americans to South Africa.

There is such a kinship with African Americans and Black South Africans.  Starting from the parallels of segregation and apartheid and continuing with cultures that are very similar from signature music that's born out of experiences, soulful foods and gatherings that are unique to Juke Joints in America and Shebeens in South Africa.

Wednesdays event was elegantly casual.  The food Red Rooster presented, which is indicative of his menu,  was a fusion of African American and African cuisine like Fried Chicken with a spicy curry sauce, bread bowls filled with pulled curried chicken and spicy shrimp.  We were serenaded by Lorraine Klaasen with soulful South African Jazz and given inviting presentations from industry experts and frequent travelers to South Africa, one of which was yours truly.  The presenters painted a picture of the many wonderful experiences you can have in South Africa from cultural to the most adventurous.  South Africa is truly a place where you "Leave Ordinary Behind"

I'd like to thank Sthu Zungu, President of South African Tourism, USA and her team in New York for putting together such a wonderful event and including Advantage International in their Taste Makers Series.

Advantage International has two South Africa trips coming up in February and March 2012.  For more information on either trip visit our website

10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Safety Just Isn’t Safe Any Longer

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Eggedon by well heeled lobbyists hired by American business interests, theRepublican Luddites in the House have pushed through relatively unnoticed HR4078 – a 92 page bill that threatens to grind to a screeching halt all theprogress of the last 25 years in enhancing the safety of the jobs we go to, thecars we drive, the toys our children play with, the medicine we take, the foodwe eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe. Euphemistically entitledthe “Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act,” the legislationbars all federal regulatory agencies from promulgating any significant new safetyrules from the date of passage until the Secretary of Labor certifies that unemployment is below 6.0%. This has to be one of the most stupid bills everpassed by either house of Congress.
Althougheconomists of every stripe have long since debunked the notion that federal safetyrules hamper job creation, Republican politicians cling to that mantra. Truthis, Congress is powerless to eliminate the social costs of safety. All Congresscan do – and this bill does it in spades – is shift those costs from a fewpennies each paid by every citizen back to the shoulders of those few andnearly invisible families affected by the tragedy of hundreds of thousands oreven millions of dollars in medical bills, lost income, and often permanentdisability suffered when unsafe jobs, cars, toys, medicine, food or watersicken, injure or kill a family member. Republicans want, for reasons knownonly to the lobbyists from whom they receive their campaign donations, to takeus back to the days at the beginning of the industrial revolution when it was aworker’s tough luck if an on the job injury cost him or her an arm, leg, lungor paralysis, and left his or her family destitute as a result. They wouldrather have a citizenry of amputees, invalids and cripples on the public dole thanan additional 2% of able bodied unemployed workers.
Ifthis legislation makes sense, it is only the political sense of pandering to abusiness constituency at the expense of Americans of all stations in life.There is not a shred of economic sense, social justice sense, or even commonsense in this bill. Each and every one of us has benefitted from the advancesin the safety and healthfulness of our jobs, cars, toys, medicines, food, waterand air produced by the last quarter century or more of federal safety rules. Theonly ones who would benefit from passage of this horrible bill in the Senateare Republicans who collect huge campaign funds and Super Pac donations fromspecial interest business lobbyists when they vote in favor of this law.
Prayfor us all that the Senate leaves this piece of miserable and misery inducinglegislation on the table in a darkened committee room where it belongs. Prayeven harder that President Obama has the guts to veto it if it should everreach the Oval Office.

Obama Administration Signs On To Six Month Congressional Budget Deal

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Ina statement signaling Obama administration agreement with the House and Senatedeal for a six month continuing resolution to fund federal government agenciespast the upcoming elections, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney also tookthe opportunity to let legislators know President Obama is not likely to agreeto any 2013 budget cuts below the $1.047 trillion spending cap passed in lastyear’s Budget Control Act. Carney’s statement points out that while theadministration welcomes the agreement, heading off massive layoff warnings toemployees of federal government contractors, is a “welcome development,” butwarns the president “has made clear that it is essential that the legislationto fund the government adheres to the funding levels agreed to by both partieslast year, and not include ideological or extraneous policy riders.”
Withthe beginning of federal fiscal year 2013 less than two months away, the Househas passed only six of the needed spending bills, with House AppropriationsCommittee approval of five more. There has been no action whatsoever onspending legislation in the Senate. Both houses will begin a six week summerrecess days from now.
Thecontinuing resolution will not be introduced or passed until Congress comesback into session in September, but the administration’s announcement ofagreement with the deal between Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Reid iscertainly enough to let corporate lawyers at huge government contractorsbreathe more easily as they decide not to have their companies pass out WARNAct layoff notices to hundreds of thousands of their co-workers. The economicpanic likely to have resulted from such mass notifications could not havehelped either party in the upcoming Presidential and Congressional elections.
Ourpolitical leaders should all be severely embarrassed that it nearly alwaystakes until the day before legal deadlines expire to get anything at all donein this gridlocked Washington D.C. political world, despite the fact that theagreed action is really helpful to citizens and constituents of both parties,and for the nation as a whole.

Overall Construction Spending Rises Slightly

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CommerceDepartment figures released yesterday point to strengthening home building asthe driver for a slight overall increase of 0.4% in construction spending inJune. May’s gain in overall construction spending was also revised upward to1.6%. While employment in the construction sector of the U. S. economy stilllags painfully behind many other recovering parts of the American economy, anysigns of returning health in the construction sector are encouraging.
Overallconstruction spending now sits at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $842.1billion, up 12.9% from the February 2011 twelve year low. Nevertheless, currentlevels are only about half of what economists say is needed for healthy growthin construction. June’s overall construction numbers were driven upward by a1.3% increase in housing construction, to an annual rate of $256.6 billion.Private nonresidential construction rose only 0.1% to $302.3 billion, withspending on office and hotel construction going up while shipping centerconstruction declined.
Overallgovernment construction spending is flat at $274.2 billion annually, withfederal spending down 1.6% while state and local construction layouts are up aslight 0.2%. Though these numbers don’t signal any resounding strength in aconstruction industry recovery, in today’s struggling economy, any uptick iswelcome.

California High Speed Rail Details Emerging

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Nowthat the California legislature has approved a $4.5 billion bond issue in orderto claim $3.2 billion from federal taxpayers toward construction of a promisedhigh speed rail link between Los Angeles and San Francisco, details of thedifficulties faced in actually building the railroad tracks for these bullettrains are beginning to be released for public consumption. Here are just a fewnotes from detailed analysis of the proposed routing for the first 130 milesegment from Madera to Fresno, to be built at a cost of $2.6 billion out of thetotal budget of $68.4 billion for the entire project:
TheCalifornia Department of Transportation anticipates it will cost $226 millionand take three years to relocate a short stretch of highway 99 through Fresnowhere the roadway now nestles right up against the Union Pacific rail yards betweenAshlan and Clinton Avenues. In order to make room for the bullet train tracks, 2.5miles of the road will have to be torn up and replaced about 100 feet to thewest, a frontage road will be built, along with 3 new Route 99 interchanges,and 50 private properties will be condemned and purchased by the state,displacing an assisted living facility, a mobile home park, a truck stop, an RVdealership, several motels, and two self storage facilities. The bullet trainproject budget will have to bear the cost of relocating all of thesebusinesses.
Accordingto plans of the high speed rail authority, 30% of the construction work on theproject must be performed by small business subcontractors, and the authorityis considering an additional requirement that one third of that goal, or 10% ofthe entire project budget, must be spent on work performed by minority andwomen owned businesses. In Chicago area government construction projects, theusual contract requirement is for 30% of the work to go to MBE/WBE tradesubcontractors. It remains a puzzlement why California’s goals fordisadvantaged business participation are so much lower.

Highway Trust Fund Bill Tightens “Buy American” Requirements

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Ina small nod in the direction of workers at American steel mills and fabricators,and at other businesses manufacturing products for road building and masstransit use, Congress tightened up “buy American” requirements on projectspartly paid for with federal tax dollars. The new bill eliminates one loopholein the buy American laws, which allowed use of foreign produced steel andmanufactured products on portions of construction if a major project was splitinto multiple contracts or awarded in phases. Under the MAP-21 bill extendingthe Highway Trust Fund for 27 months, if any one of the split up contracts hasfederal money in it, all of the related products must also abide by the buyAmerican rules.
Andthe new legislation also requires mass transit projects to publish a detailedexplanation, with a public comment period, before waiving buy American rulesfor mass transit construction contracts. In past years, this waiver publicationand comment requirement only applied to highway construction. Now, citizenswill be able to know ahead of contract bidding why local transit officials findit necessary to use foreign made materials and products in their constructionjobs. Seems like Congress is at long last wising up to the need to keeptaxpayer funded job creation on American shores.

9 Ekim 2012 Salı

Men's Guide to Style and Fashion: What's Hot and What's Not

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Guys, I'm probably old enough to be your mom, so what (you ask) do I know about mens fashion? Here's this: I shop for guys. I know guys clothes and cool clothing stores. Any guy can rock a look if he keeps in
 mind a few things: body style, coloring, hair and personality. Read more