13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

NETWORK the Resistance to NATO!

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I was at a non-violence training conducted by Mary Dean and John Volkening yesterday. One of the ideas we talked about was the pragmatic value of non-violence: Because the forces of militarism control the vast majority of the tools of violence -- guns, jets, missiles, bombs, etc. etc. etc. -- on their side, we need to confront them with other means -- ones where we hold the advantage. In order to conduct an effective resistance, we need to ask, "What are our strengths?"

As I thought about it later, I realized that this is why #AfghanistanTuesday is so important:
  • by using Twitter to spread the word, we can extend our reach in time beyond a given single protest, to stimulate antiwar resistance BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER an event
  • by using Twitter to spread the word, we can extend our reach in space beyond a given single protest, to stimulate antiwar resistance FAR BEYOND the neighborhood or city in which a particular event takes place
  • what Twitter lacks in oomph! it more than makes up for in the ease with which a message can spread -- if we grease the wheels properly!

Just look, for example, at how quickly a heavily retweeted post can cascade around the world!

Think what this can mean, for example, in connection with the protests against NATO in Chicago!

Please reach out to ten friends today and get them involved in the weekly resistance to war on #AfghanistanTuesday.

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