21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Scathing Federal IG Report Excoriates Silver Line Project Oversight

Echoingconcerns of various Congressmen, Governors and the DOT Inspector General, U. S.Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood last week chimed in on the latest round ofscandals surrounding the way the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority ismanaging construction of the Silver Line rail link between Dulles Internationaland downtown Washington, D.C. “I have serious questions about how the board hasoperated. I want the people of the D.C. area to know that we don’t agree withwhat they’ve been doing,” LaHood said. “The thing that really pushed me overthe top with the board is when I read in the Examiner that they gave a formerboard member a contract. … I think it’s too much inside politics.” One wondershow much inside politics Secretary LaHood thinks would be just the rightamount.
TheInspector General report LaHood mentioned details the MWAA board’s weakoversight of the Silver Line project, lax ethics, no-bid contracts, conflictsof interest, and lack of transparency. Confronted with taxpayer and toll payerfunded board expenses including a $9,200.00 airline ticket to Prague, a$4,800.00 first class ticket to Hawaii, three $1,600.00 dinner tabs, and twobottles of $119.00 wine, board member Michael L. O’Reilly could onlycharacterize the situation as “a public perception problem. … We’ve gottenbetter, but we haven’t gotten to the point where people are going to praise usfor our frugality.” It seems in Washington, public perception is onlytroublesome when it is correct.
SecretaryLaHood’s comments on the IG report deftly separated the professionalism of theMWAA Silver Line project staff from the excesses of the board. “I have a greatdeal of confidence in the executive director of MWAA,” LaHood remarked. “JackPotter is doing a very, very professional job. He’s trying to clean up a mess,and I have confidence that he can carry off Phase 2 of the line.”

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