Reactionaries have killed atheist blogger Rajib. Alongwith masses of people, we are also grieved and angered. Islamicfundamentalists, the opponent of shahbagh movement might have been behind thekilling. State terror could be involved with it too. Rajib was one of theinitiator of the Young generations̢۪ movement in Shahbagh.The Awami League colluded with Jamat-e-Islami Leaders,one of the war criminals of 1971, to save them, which angered middle classeducated young generation. They took position in Shahbagh with massive innumber and developed a movement against that. Countrywide support crystallizedon that behalf. This young generation does not have vote illusion. Nor do theylike bourgeoisie political business. They came to the field after years andyears being subject of social and political religious oppression. This is aprotest against social and state injustice. They want a progressive society.The killing of blogger Rajib is an attack upon theaspiration of educated middle class young generation. This is also an attackupon free thinking and progressive mind. This is why it further more angeredpeople. Today̢۪s general strike called by Jamat-e-Islami has been rejected bypeople. The demand of prohibiting religious politics may come up. SheikhHasina and the Awami league made religious education compulsory to give formalstatus to use of religion as tool of exploitation. They have keptcontinuing Madrasha education system too. It will not be a surprise if theystart Fotwa and Sharia rule in competition with their opposition bourgeoisieparties. So, will prohibition of religious politics change their face, which isno better than Qader Mullah? Only a fundamental change in socio, economic andpolitical system can only take us to real progress. The progressive pathbelongs to communism.
Communist Party Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
18 February 2013
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