On November 3rd the League Against Imperialist Aggression (BGIA)
organized in cooperation with Berlin friends of the Indian revolution,
an information and mobilization event to the International Conference in Support of the Peoples War in India. It was attended by about 35
people from various German and Turkish organizations.
The presentation started with economic base data about Indian
society and concretized it by the example of child labor. Subsequently, the history of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has been outlined as well as a description of the current state of Peoples War by explaining the People`s Committees and the reactionary Operation Green Hunt.
The ensuing discussion could clarify some further questions and
solidarity with the people of India and the People’s War, which it wages under the direction of the CPI (Maoist) was declared.
We, as BGIA, want to thank the organizing comrades for the work done and think that this event and the preparational work has made a good
contribution to the future success of the International Conference in
Support of the Peoples War in India. We expect a militant delegation
from Berlin to the conference.
On November 6th, the Red Scene Hamburg (RSH), organized an
information and mobilization event to the International Conference at
the International Center B5, in Hamburg. The speech from a comrade of
the League Against Imperialist Aggression (BGIA) was followed by about 45 people.
In the audience were many new and young comrades who begin to get
involved in the campaign. The presentation`s central point was the need
for revolutionaries to deal with the People’s War in India and organize
solidarity work. In the ensuing discussion, many other questions are
BGIA, November 2012

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