28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Siraj Sikder Works: Class analysis of East Bengal society

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From'सर्वहारा पथ (This site is mostly in English)--This was also posted in Maoist_Revolution;

 SirajSikderWorks:ClassanalysisofEast BengalsocietyFirstpublishedin1970Republishedincorrectedforminchangedpoliticalsituationin1972

Posted on November 26, 2012 Classanalysis of East Bengal societyFirst published in1970 Republished incorrected form in changed political situation in 1972
Who are our enemies? Who are ourfriends? This is a question of the first importance for the revolution. Thebasic reason why all previous revolutionary struggles achieved so little wasthe the failure to unite with real friends in order to attack realenemies.A revolutionary party is theguide of the masses, and no revolution ever succeeds when the revolutionaryparty leads them astray. The 23 years long experience of East Bengal revolutionand 46 years’ experience of Indian revolution proved that the revisionists, neorevisionists, Trotskytes and Gueverists have misguided people and as aconsequence of that, revolution of Indiaand East Bengal could not materialize.We must learn from thattreacherous negative example and will materialize people’s liberation byguiding revolution on to the correct path. We must pay attention to unite withreal friends to attack upon real enemies.In order to distinguish realfriends from real enemies, we must make general analysis of different classesof East Bengal society and their respectiveattitude towards revolution.What is the condition ofdifferent classes of East Bengal society?The East Bengal BourgeoisieFor the rest click here.

Siraj Sikder 

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