TheU. S. Green Building Council announced last week that it will delay release of Version4 of its environmental rating system for construction projects, and extend thecomment period through December 10, 2012, due to an unprecedented level of22,000 comments on the current draft. After further comment, voting on the newversion will likely be delayed until next June.
USGBChas already certified 40,000 construction projects in 130 countries worldwide,and it says 1.5 million square feet of new building space is certified daily.Special interests throughout the construction industry are seeking through commentsto “fix” the latest draft. The U. S. Chamber of Commerce, National Associationof Manufacturers, American Chemistry Council, and American High Performance BuildingsCoalition all contend the proposed standards will unfairly affect market sharefor their products.
Isn’tthat just what LEED is supposed to do? By getting building materials deemedharmful to the environment out of use, indoor air quality and people’s healthare supposed to improve. Let’s hope the USGBC can hold the line against makersof noxious products who are just trying to hold onto the old ways.
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