Turmoil in Greece is reaching a boiling point—Will there be revolution?
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Eventsin Greeceare clearly reaching a boiling point. This has been the case for some time.Whether this will start a civil war, as some commentators are saying (see RT inthe blog below) is hard to tell. This kind of outrage has happened before, buteach new austerity measure makes life almost unbearable on the Greek workers.Also, they are losing their sovereignty to the European Union. Is this a timefor revolution? -សáž�ិážœ អáž�ុ
From the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE);
INFO from GREECE (readbelow the statement of KOE)Today, Tuesday 6 November, startsa new 48 hours general strike and a new round of popular mobilizations againstthe pro-troika government of Mr. Samaras, PM and leader of the right wing “NeaDimokratia” party. Two days ago, Alexis Tsipras, addressing the ParliamentaryGroup of SYRIZA, called the people in a united non-violent revolt in order tooverthrow the illegitimate government that sells-out the whole country, servingthe interests of the IMF-EU-ECB troika and of the bankers. The three partiesthat support the actual government (Nea Dimokratia, PASOK and “DemocraticLeft”) have duped a part of the Greek people in the last elections advancing aprogram of “renegotiation” with the troika, which they never attempted.Instead, they have accepted without any “renegotiation” even new and morecatastrophic measures imposed by the troika in the form of “Memorandum 3”.The political crisis is deepening,penetrating even the three pro-troika parties, with some of their MPs alreadyabandoning them and declaring that they will not support Memorandum 3. Theinternational dimension of this crisis is revealed also by the contradictionsnow publicly expressed between the imperialist forces, with the USA and Germanyquarreling about the “appropriate solution” for Greece. At the same time, thesocial catastrophe takes unprecedented dimensions, with the unemployment rateover 25% according to the official statistics (over 55% for the youth) and aquarter of the population trying to survive below the poverty line.Hundreds of thousands ofhouseholds are now unable to cover their basic needs (payment of electricitybills, supply of heating oil, and even food…). Schools, hospitals and othersocial services are shut down or “functioning” without the minimum necessarypersonnel and supplies. The national sovereignty is shred apart, with thetroika personnel dictating to the “government” all the resolutions andrequesting the control of the public funds in order to “pay back the creditors”.The repressive mechanisms, together with the fascist gangs, are trying toterrorize the people with mass “preventive arrests”, torturing in the policestations and attacks against the left and progressive people.The Communist Organization of Greece(KOE) calls our fraternal parties and movements, all the friends of the Greekpeople who is bravely fighting for Democracy, Independence and Emancipationduring almost three years now, to express their solidarity in any possibleform!Follows a Statement of KOEpublished on 2 November 2012:Memorandum 3 must be rejected,the government must be overthrown:It is time for the people tospeak up!The tripartite pro-troika government of Mr. Samaras isfaltering under the load of its criminal subservience to the Memorandum policy.Its humiliation during the voting of the bill for the sell-out of publicwealth, where the government block did not manage to gather the absolutemajority that it supposedly has in the Parliament, the continuous retractionsand the theatrical manipulations about the measures, including their supposed“negotiation” with the troika, the continuous parliamentary coup with the“fast-track procedures of voting” and the repetitive violations of theregulations, the deepening decomposition of PASOK and the intensive internalturmoil in the “Democratic Left”, the references to the possibility of amilitary coup, the silencing of the dissent by the mainstream Media and thecensorship incidents, all show clearly that: The pro-Memorandum block istrembling due to its alienation from the will of the vast popular majority.For the rest clickhere.
This was also posted on the KasamaProject.

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